Emerald Funding

Payments We Buy

Emerald Funding can help you get the cash you need by providing immediate access to assets you already have, but are not scheduled to receive until the future. 


An annuity is a sum of money payable monthly, yearly or at other regular intervals.  These popular savings instruments can be good for long-term planning, but can be restrictive if you need money to pay off debts sooner than the periodic payments are due.  Contact Emerald Funding if you would like to get a lump sum of cash rather than wait for the annuity due date.

Life Insurance Policies

Cash out all or part of your un-needed life insurance policy to help make ends meet.


If you are waiting for a settlement, but need to pay bills before you collect, we can help you arrange for cash in advance.

Emerald Funding has an excellent track record of helping clients like you get the money you need from settlements and annuities. Our success rate is one of the highest in the industry with some clients receiving money in under 30 days. read more

Call 1-800-680-2525